Thank you for visiting our store, which offers unique, quirky and bespoke items as well as some which are more normal to suit all tastes. We have currently suspended trading as a limited company but are able to make personal sales.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to contact us directly.
Featured Products
British Military Map Case
Combat Boots
Corgi Transit Wrecker truck
DMS Parade Shoes size 4 to 8
Keyring (Pilot)
MTP Jacket 180
MTP Trousers 75cm
Saxon picture disc
Star Wars Tie fighter
WWII Military Stove
New Products
Squadron Cap
Military Style Belt
Vintage Opera Glasses
MTP Waterproof Jacket
MTP Trousers 70cm
Kombat mini torch
H4H Patch (Navy)
H4H Patch (RAF)